Can a Minor Get a Piercing in South Carolina?

(A) It is unlawful for a person to perform or offer to perform body piercing upon a person under the age of eighteen years, unless the body piercing is performed in the presence of, or as directed by a notarized writing by, the person's parent or legal guardian.

In South Carolina, the regulations regarding body piercings for minors are strict. A parent or guardian must either give written, notarized consent for a body piercing or be present during the procedure [^1^]. This ensures that there is appropriate supervision and consent for minors seeking piercings.

Piercings Available for Minors

The types of piercings that minors can get vary depending on their age and with parental consent. Here are some examples:

  • Earlobe piercings (no larger than 10 gauge)
  • Ear cartilage piercings
  • Navel piercings
  • Facial piercings
  • Oral piercings [^2^]

Age Restrictions and Consent

For minors aged 14 or older, parental consent and proper identification are required to get a piercing [^2^]. Minors between the ages of 14 and 18 must have written consent from a parent or legal guardian, who must also be present during the procedure [^3^].

Other Regulations

It is important to note that there are restrictions on tattoos and body piercings for minors under the age of 14. Parental or legal guardian consent and presence are required for minors aged 14 to 18 [^3^]. Tattooing and body piercing for minors under the age of 14 are not allowed [^4^].

Considerations for Nose Piercings

In South Carolina, minors aged 14 to 18 can get a nose piercing with written consent from a parent or legal guardian, as well as the presence of a parent or legal guardian during the procedure [^5^]. It is crucial to ensure that a parent or guardian is always present when a minor visits a tattoo or piercing shop [^5^].

Age Restrictions for Tattoos

Getting a tattoo at the age of 13 is not common, and it is not easy due to the regulations in various states. In 22 states, a 13-year-old can legally get a tattoo with written parental consent [^6^]. However, many states require that a minor be tattooed by a licensed physician or under their supervision [^6^].

Common Piercings for Minors

For minors, there are several piercings available based on age restrictions:

  • Earlobe piercings: Available for ages 8 and up
  • Cartilage piercings (Helix): Available for ages 13 and up
  • Bellybutton (Navel): Available for ages 13 and up
  • Nose (Nostril): Available for ages 16 and up [^7^]

Parental Consent for Nose Piercings

While the legal age for a nose piercing may vary by state, some individuals may feel that 14 years old is still too young to have such a piercing [^8^]. It ultimately depends on the laws and personal beliefs of the parent or guardian.

Age Restrictions for Tongue Piercings

For individuals aged 14 to 16, a parent or guardian must be present for a tongue piercing. The discretion of the piercer may also determine whether to perform piercings below the neck or on the tongue at this age [^9^]. It is important to be aware of the potential risks, such as chipped teeth or infections, associated with tongue piercings [^9^].

Piercings Available for Teens

For teens aged 16 and 17, various piercings are available, including:

  • Various cartilage piercings (e.g., tragus and conch)
  • Nostril piercings [^10^]

Piercing Regulations in the UK

In the UK, the minimum age for certain piercings with parental consent is as follows:

  • Labret/Lip: No minimum age with parental consent
  • Navel/Belly: Minimum age of 13 with parental consent
  • Eyebrow: Minimum age of 14 with parental consent [^11^]

Consent for Nipple Piercings

In terms of consent for nipple piercings, there is no legal age of consent specified for body piercings. Minors under the age of 16 cannot legally consent to a genital or nipple piercing, as it is considered indecent assault [^12^].

In conclusion, the regulations for minors getting piercings in South Carolina require parental consent and presence. The specific piercings available to minors vary based on their age and the consent of a parent or guardian. It is important to be aware of these regulations and consider the maturity and readiness of a minor before allowing them to get a piercing.


What piercings can you have at 14?
Earlobe piercings (no larger than 10 gauge)Ear cartilage piercings.Navel piercings.Facial piercings.Oral piercings.
Can a 13 year old get a nose piercing at Claire's?
Minors will need a parent or legal guardians present to sign the Claire's Piercing Registration Form. Age of consent may differ by country, region or type of piercing. In some cases, we may need to see identification to confirm your age.
Can a 14 year old get a nose piercing?
In order for a minor to get a piercing, they must have proper parental consent. This means that a parent must be present and must bring a copy of the minor's birth certificate and photo ID for both themselves and the minor. They will also have to fill out and sign paperwork in the shop.
What piercings can I get at 13?
Ear Lobe Piercings. For ages 8 and up. ... Cartilage Piercings (Helix) For ages 13 and up. ... Bellybutton (Navel) For ages 16 and up. ... Nose (Nostril) For ages 16 and up.

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