Can I use antibacterial soap on my belly button piercing?

Cleaning your new navel piercing

A new navel piercing requires thorough cleaning at least once, and preferably twice a day. The best way to clean your new piercing is in the shower.

Using the right soap

When washing your belly button piercing, it is important to use the right soap. It is recommended to use an antibacterial soap that is gentle on the skin. Examples of suitable antibacterial soaps include Phisoderm, Bactine, or liquid antibacterial soaps such as Dial, Lever 2000, or Softsoap.

Avoiding irritants

While cleaning your belly button piercing, it is crucial to avoid irritants that can hinder the healing process. It is advised not to use iodized salt, kosher salt, or Epsom salts, as these can cause irritation to the piercing.

Dilution for sensitivity

In some cases, your skin may be sensitive to the antibacterial soap. If irritation occurs, it is recommended to dilute the soap with water in a 50/50 ratio. This will help reduce any potential irritation while still maintaining the antibacterial properties of the soap.

The importance of cleanliness

Keeping your belly button piercing clean is essential for preventing infections and promoting proper healing. Regularly washing the piercing will help remove any dirt, bacteria, or debris that may have accumulated.

Frequency of cleaning

To ensure the best results, it is recommended to clean your belly button piercing once or twice a day. This frequency will help maintain cleanliness without overdoing it, as excessive cleaning can also disrupt the healing process.

Avoiding sexual contact

During the healing period of your belly button piercing, which typically lasts 6-10 weeks, it is crucial to avoid any sexual contact. This includes activities that may put strain or pressure on the piercing, as it can lead to complications or delays in the healing process.

Patience is key

It is important to remember that healing times can vary from person to person. While some individuals may experience quick healing, others may require more time. Patience is key during this process, and it is essential to follow proper cleaning and aftercare instructions to ensure optimal healing.

Seeking professional advice

If you notice any unusual symptoms, such as excessive redness, swelling, or discharge, it is recommended to seek professional advice from a piercer or healthcare provider. They can assess the situation and provide appropriate guidance or treatment if necessary.


Taking care of your belly button piercing involves proper cleaning with the right antibacterial soap, avoiding irritants, and maintaining cleanliness throughout the healing process. By following these guidelines and being patient, you can ensure a successful and healthy healing experience.

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