Can you wear makeup with a new nose piercing?

Nostrils, Septums, Eyebrows &, Micro-Dermals After you get pierced, your piercer will generally advise you to not put any makeup on the new piercing .

When you get a new nose piercing, it’s natural to wonder if you can still wear makeup. The answer is yes, you can wear makeup, but there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that you don’t irritate or infect your piercing. Here are some tips for wearing makeup with a new nose piercing:

1. Take extra care when applying makeup

To err on the side of caution, avoid applying face makeup around your nose for the time being. This includes foundation, concealer, and powder. It’s best to wait until your piercing is fully healed before applying makeup in that area.

2. Avoid applying makeup too close to the piercing

If you do decide to wear makeup, be sure to take extra care to not apply it too close to the piercing. This will help prevent any potential irritation or infection. Give the area around the piercing some space and be gentle when applying and removing makeup.

3. Cleanse your face before and after wearing makeup

Before applying makeup, cleanse your face thoroughly to remove any dirt or bacteria that could potentially cause an infection. After wearing makeup, make sure to remove it completely to allow your piercing to breathe and heal properly.

4. Use non-comedogenic and hypoallergenic products

When choosing makeup products, opt for non-comedogenic and hypoallergenic options. These products are less likely to clog your pores or cause allergic reactions, which can be especially important when you have a fresh piercing.

5. Be mindful of the type of makeup you use

Certain types of makeup, such as heavy creams or oil-based products, can potentially clog the piercing and delay the healing process. Stick to lightweight, water-based products that won’t interfere with the healing of your piercing.

6. Avoid touching your piercing with makeup brushes or sponges

To prevent any bacteria from transferring to your piercing, avoid touching it with your makeup brushes or sponges. Use clean tools and be cautious when applying makeup near the piercing area.

7. Follow your piercer’s aftercare instructions

Your piercer will provide you with specific aftercare instructions for your new nose piercing. It’s important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure proper healing. If your piercer advises against wearing makeup during the healing process, it’s best to listen to their advice.

8. Be patient and prioritize healing

While it can be tempting to want to wear makeup right away, it’s important to prioritize the healing of your piercing. Give it enough time to heal properly before applying makeup in that area. Remember, it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your piercing’s health.

9. Consult with your piercer or a dermatologist

If you have any concerns or questions about wearing makeup with your new nose piercing, don’t hesitate to consult with your piercer or a dermatologist. They can provide you with personalized advice and guidance based on your specific situation.

10. Enjoy your new look once your piercing is fully healed

Once your piercing is fully healed, you can enjoy wearing makeup around your nose without any worries. Just be sure to continue practicing good skincare habits and properly cleanse your face before and after wearing makeup.

In conclusion, wearing makeup with a new nose piercing is possible, but it’s important to take extra care and follow proper hygiene practices. By being mindful of the products you use and the way you apply them, you can safely and confidently wear makeup while your piercing heals.


How soon can you wear makeup after nose piercing?
According to the experts at L'Oréal Paris (and many pro makeup artists) you want to stay away from the area for the first few weeks, especially with powders because you need to avoid buildup.
Should I wear makeup to my nose piercing appointment?
Makeup: The area around your new piercing will need to be cleaned before being pierced. If you're wearing any makeup, (foundation in particular) you should be prepared to have the area thoroughly cleaned before the procedure. (Please don't ever reapply makeup on or near a fresh piercing!)
What not to do with a new nose piercing?
Don't get in any water that could be dirty until your nose heals. Avoid swimming pools, lakes, rivers, and hot tubs. Don't put antibacterial ointments on the site. Don't move your nose jewelry until it's healed.
Can you cover a nose stud with makeup?
Use Makeup Using full-coverage formulas will help, too. However, regardless of whether your piercing is fresh or healed, you should stay clear of putting makeup directly onto or around your piercing, as it can cause infection.

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