How Long Does It Take for a Piercing to Close Up?


When it comes to piercings, many people wonder how long it takes for a piercing to close up. The answer depends on various factors, such as the type of piercing and how long it has been since the piercing was done. In this article, we will explore the different scenarios and provide some tips for closing up piercing holes.

Can a Piercing Close Up Overnight?

One common concern is whether a piercing can close up overnight. The answer is yes, especially for new piercings. Without the piercing stud or jewelry, a new piercing may close too fast, either overnight or after a few days. If the piercing is not fully healed, the epithelial tissue from the other side of the piercing will coalesce and close up the hole.

How to Make an Ear Piercing Hole Close Faster

If you want to speed up the process of closing an ear piercing hole, there are a few things you can try. One method is to mix ½ tsp of salt in 1 cup of water and soak the area with a damp cotton ball. Afterward, blot your earlobe dry and treat it with antibiotic ointment. It’s important to consult your piercer about when you can remove the jewelry and close the hole.

How Long Does It Take for Earring Holes to Close After Years?

For earring holes that have been around for several years, the closure process may take longer. It may take up to 6 months or even 1 year for a helix or tragus piercing to fully close. To prevent the hole from closing during the healing process, it’s essential not to remove the jewelry for an extended period.

Can You Repierce the Same Hole?

Repiercing the same hole can be complicated. It’s important to have a professional piercer examine the place where you want to be repierced. If the hole is not completely healed on the inside but only closed on the outside, it may be possible for your piercer to repierce you in the same place with little complication.

Can a Nose Piercing Close in Minutes?

Nose piercings, especially fresh ones, have the potential to close up quickly. If the piercing is fresh, it can close up in a matter of minutes. Even if you’ve had the nose piercing for less than a year, you can expect it to close up within a few hours or days. The inside of the hole can close up rather quickly, even if you’ve had the piercing for years.

Sleeping and Removing Earrings Overnight

Removing earrings overnight is often not recommended, especially for new piercings. Leaving a new piercing without earrings can cause it to close overnight. It’s best to keep earrings in for between 6 weeks and 3 months, depending on the piercing. If you need to sleep with freshly pierced ears, using a thinner travel pillow or rolling a clean cotton T-shirt or sheet can help alleviate pressure on the ear.

How to Close a Piercing Hole Without Surgery

If you want to close an ear hole without surgery, there are some steps you can take. Massaging your ear lobes daily with oil, such as jojoba or vitamin E oil, can help encourage the holes to close. Take a few minutes each day to massage the oil into your lobes and give the healing process a boost.

Can Earring Holes Close Up After 10 Years?

Earlobe piercings have a tough fistula, making it unlikely for the hole to close up after only 10 years. The hole may tighten over time, but it will likely remain open for several years. However, the closure of the hole depends on the specific area of the ear and individual factors.

Why Do Earring Holes Close So Fast?

If your ear piercing closes up quickly, it may be due to several reasons. One common cause is that the pierced ear has not fully healed. It’s essential to give your piercing enough time to heal before removing the jewelry. Additionally, factors such as infection and inadequate aftercare can contribute to faster closure of the hole.


In conclusion, the time it takes for a piercing to close up depends on various factors, including the type of piercing and how long it has been since the piercing was done. While some piercings may close up overnight, others may take several months or even years to fully close. It’s important to follow proper aftercare and consult with a professional piercer for guidance on closing a piercing hole.

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