How to Properly Clean a Tongue Piercing

Rinse your tongue or lip piercing lip piercing A lip piercing is a type of body piercing that penetrates the lips or the area surrounding the lips , which can be pierced in a variety of ways. Lip piercing. Nicknames. Various, depending on placement. › wiki › Lip_piercing Lip piercing - Wikipedia after every meal or snack and before bed. Use warm salt water or an antibacterial, alcohol-free mouthwash . Not kiss anyone while you heal (avoid contact with someone else's saliva). Not share cups, plates, forks, knives, or spoons.


After getting a tongue piercing, it is crucial to maintain proper hygiene to prevent infections and promote healing. Cleaning your tongue piercing regularly is essential to ensure its health and longevity. In this article, we will discuss the best practices and techniques for cleaning a tongue piercing.

Using an Alcohol-Free Antimicrobial Mouth Rinse

To start, it is recommended to use an alcohol-free antimicrobial or antibacterial mouth rinse four or five times a day. This should be done after every meal and before bedtime. By using a mouth rinse, you can eliminate bacteria and reduce the risk of infection. Make sure to choose a rinse specifically formulated for oral piercings.

Rinsing with Salt Water

In addition to using a mouth rinse, rinsing with salt water is another effective method for cleaning a tongue piercing. Simply mix a saltwater solution by dissolving non-iodized sea salt in warm water. Rinse your mouth with this solution for 10 to 15 seconds twice a day. This will help soothe the piercing and promote healing.

Applying Sterile Wound Wash Saline

Another option for cleaning a tongue piercing is to apply sterile wound wash saline. It is important to note that this should be specifically wound wash saline and not contact lens saline solution. Gently spray the saline onto the piercing, allowing it to cleanse the area. This can be done multiple times a day to keep the piercing clean and free from bacteria.

Drinking Water without Additives

In addition to external cleaning methods, it is crucial to take care of your tongue piercing internally as well. One way to do this is by drinking water without any additives. Avoid beverages such as soda or alcohol, as they can irritate the piercing and potentially lead to infections. Staying hydrated with plain water will promote healing and overall oral health.

Other Considerations and Precautions

  • Submerging the tongue ring in rubbing alcohol or peroxide for 10 minutes can help clean it before wearing.
  • Tongue web piercings can be cleaned with a sea salt mouthwash twice a day.
  • Avoid using tongue scrapers, playing with the jewelry, or engaging in certain activities until the piercing has fully healed.
  • Take steps to speed up the healing process, such as regularly brushing your teeth, rinsing after meals, and minimizing talking.
  • Do not use hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, or bacitracin on the piercing, as they can slow down healing.
  • Clean the bottom of the tongue ring by gently removing the balls, soaking them in alcohol, and rinsing with water.
  • Choose an alcohol-free, sea salt-based mouthwash for oral rinsing after a tongue piercing.
  • Be aware that tongue web piercings can close up quickly if not properly cared for.
  • The white ring on a tongue ring is normal and indicates lymph fluid from the piercing trying to create a scab.
  • Nerve injuries and paralysis can occur if the tongue is pierced improperly or carelessly.
  • In the absence of sea salt, warm water and soap or alcohol can be used to clean the piercing, though sea salt is preferred.


Properly cleaning a tongue piercing is crucial for maintaining its health and promoting healing. By following the recommended methods, such as using an alcohol-free mouth rinse, rinsing with salt water, and applying sterile wound wash saline, you can keep your tongue piercing clean and reduce the risk of infections. Remember to also take internal precautions, such as drinking water without additives and avoiding certain activities until the piercing has fully healed. With the right care, your tongue piercing can heal properly and provide years of enjoyment.


What not to do after tongue piercing?
Avoid fatiguing your tongue for the first couple of days by trying not to talk too much. Eating solid food may be fine straight after you have your tongue pierced or it may be uncomfortable initially so try soft foods like soup and yogurt for the fi rst few days. Don't smoke or drink alcohol for at least 3 weeks.
How long after a tongue piercing should you clean it?
Cleaning Time Listerine should be diluted 50:50 using distilled water. A sea salt rinse is 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt dissolved into 8 oz of warm water. Continue to rinse for 6-8 weeks. Gently brush your tongue in the morning and at night after brushing your teeth.
How can I make my tongue piercing heal faster?
Alleviate Swelling. To reduce the swelling on your tongue, you need to drink lots of cold water throughout the day. ... Clean Your Piercing. ... Tighten Your Barbell Balls. ... Change Your Jewelry. ... Brush Your Teeth Properly. ... Rinse with Mouthwashes. ... Gargle with Sea Salt Water.

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