Is Tattoo Numbing Cream Legit?


Tattoo numbing cream has become increasingly popular among individuals seeking pain relief during the tattooing process. However, there are concerns about the legitimacy and effectiveness of these creams. In this article, we will explore the topic of tattoo numbing cream and provide information on its legitimacy, best options available, application methods, and more.

The Issue with Tattoo Numbing Cream Co.

One company, Tattoo Numbing Cream Co., has received negative attention due to complaints from customers who ordered their product and never received it. LaMonte Moore, a dissatisfied customer, strongly advises against ordering from this company, citing it as a scam. Numerous complaints have emerged, and the company’s claim of pandemic-related delays has been deemed false.

The Best Numbing Creams Available

When it comes to tattoo numbing creams, there are reputable options available. Experts recommend the following over-the-counter creams for their effectiveness:

  • Clinical Resolution Laboratory Numb Master Topical Anesthetic Cream
  • L.M.X. 4 Topical Anesthetic Cream
  • Ebanel Laboratories Numb 520 Topical Anesthetic Cream
  • Walgreens Pain Relieving Cream + Lidocaine

The Longest Lasting Numbing Cream

For those seeking a long-lasting numbing effect, Zensa Cream is recommended. It provides extended relief during tattoo sessions, ensuring a more comfortable experience.

How to Apply Numbing Cream for Tattoos

To effectively use numbing cream during a tattoo session, follow these steps:

  1. Wash the area receiving treatment with soap and water, ensuring it is dry.
  2. Apply a thick amount of numbing cream to the area and rub it in thoroughly.
  3. Cover the cream with plastic wrap (cling film).
  4. Leave the cream on for approximately 1 hour.
  5. Remove the plastic wrap and wipe off the cream.

The Strongest Tattoo Numbing Creams

If you’re looking for the strongest tattoo numbing cream options, consider the following:

  • Zensa Numbing Cream
  • Ebanel Numb520
  • Uber Numb 5%
  • Lidocaine Blue Tattoo Numbing Gel
  • Vasocaine Tattoo Numbing Spray

Why Some Tattoo Artists Avoid Numbing Cream

Although numbing creams can provide pain relief, many tattoo artists choose not to use them during their sessions. This decision often stems from two main reasons: maintaining the integrity of the tattooing process and ensuring clients prioritize the significance of their tattoos, even with the associated pain.

Numbing Creams Used by Doctors

When it comes to medical procedures, doctors typically use local anesthetics approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These anesthetics, such as lidocaine and benzocaine, are also available in over-the-counter strength for home use.

Lidocaine Cream: A Strong Option

Lidocaine cream is known for its effectiveness as a numbing agent. Numb Master, a cream containing 5% lidocaine, offers fast-acting and long-lasting numbing effects. Its liposomal lidocaine formulation allows for deeper penetration, ensuring a strong numbing effect.

Lidocaine vs. Benzocaine

Both lidocaine and benzocaine are proven to be efficient in reducing pain. In a study involving needle insertion into the palate, both substances outperformed the placebo. Therefore, the choice between lidocaine and benzocaine may depend on personal preference and specific needs.

The Strongest Topical Anesthetic

Among topical anesthetics, tetracaine is considered the strongest. This anesthetic provides potent numbing effects, making it suitable for various medical and cosmetic procedures.

Additional Information on Numbing Creams

For those wondering about the duration of numbing cream effects, it typically takes around 30 minutes for the cream to start working. The cream can stay on for up to 1 hour and continues to provide relief for an additional hour after removal. Dr. Numb cream, specifically, offers numbing effects for approximately 3.5 hours.


Tattoo numbing cream can be a helpful tool for individuals seeking pain relief during the tattooing process. While there may be concerns about the legitimacy of certain brands, there are reputable options available. By following proper application methods and using high-quality creams, individuals can enhance their tattoo experience while minimizing discomfort.

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