Is the Snake Eyes Tongue Piercing Dangerous?

Most piercers consider the snake eyes piercing to be unsafe . Most reputable piercing shops refuse to do it. There's a high risk of rejection as well as gum rejection, cracking or chipping of the teeth. The health risks alone are enough to put most people off of this piercing.


The snake eyes piercing, also known as a horizontal tongue piercing, has gained popularity in recent years. However, there is a growing concern among piercers about its safety. Reputable piercing shops often refuse to perform this piercing due to the high risk of complications. In this article, we will explore the potential dangers of snake eyes tongue piercing and discuss its impact on oral health.

Increased Risk of Complications

Most piercers consider the snake eyes piercing to be unsafe. The piercing passes through the tip of the tongue, connecting the two muscles responsible for its movement. This prevents independent movement of the muscles and can lead to various issues such as gum erosion, chipped teeth, and lisps when talking. The jewelry itself sits on the back of the teeth, increasing the risk of gum erosion, cracking, and chipping.

Pain and Healing Process

Snake eyes piercing is known to be more painful than a regular tongue piercing. People who have undergone this piercing describe the pain as well above a 5 on a scale from 1 to 10. The second piercing may even hurt more than the first. The healing process can take about six to eight weeks, during which the tongue may feel sore and irritated. Talking and adapting to the new sensation in the mouth can be challenging initially.

Long-Term Effects

One of the major concerns with snake eyes piercing is the potential long-term damage it can cause to the teeth and gums. The constant rubbing of the jewelry against the gums can lead to gum recession. Additionally, the repeated striking and scraping of the teeth can cause damage to the enamel, resulting in cracked or chipped teeth. These issues can not only be aesthetically unpleasing but also require costly dental treatments to fix.

Nerve Injury and Paralysis

Another serious risk associated with tongue piercing, including snake eyes piercing, is nerve injury. The tongue is supplied by the hypoglossal nerve and the lingual branch of the trigeminal nerve. Damage to these nerves during piercing can lead to permanent paralysis of the tongue. This can have severe consequences on speech and swallowing functions.

Closure and Aftercare

If you decide to remove the snake eyes piercing, it is important to note that the tongue is a muscle and will partially close up even after a short period without jewelry. However, the extent of closure varies from person to person. If the piercing does not close after about a year and is causing problems, it may require surgical closure.

Tips for Aftercare

After getting a snake eyes piercing, it is crucial to follow proper aftercare to minimize the risk of complications. Avoid touching the piercing or knocking it with your teeth, as this can increase irritation. It is also essential to avoid certain foods that can aggravate the healing process, such as hot and spicy foods, sticky textures, acidic foods, and crunchy or hard textures. Drinking cold liquids can help reduce tongue swelling, which usually lasts for three to five days.


In conclusion, the snake eyes tongue piercing poses significant risks to oral health and overall well-being. Reputable piercers often refuse to perform this piercing due to the potential complications it can cause, including gum erosion, chipped teeth, and nerve damage. It is crucial to weigh the potential risks against the desire for a unique piercing and consult with a professional piercer before making a decision.


What is the safest tongue piercing?
The existence of this lingual septum is what makes traditional center-line tongue piercings so safe. The major blood vessel feeding the tongue is called the Lingual Artery.
Are tongue piercings high risk?
The Dangers of Tongue Piercing The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) reported that tongue piercing can result in chipped teeth, infections, nerve and gum damage, drooling, taste loss, and tooth loss. Irritation from the barbell-shaped jewelry could result in periodontal disease or oral cancer.
Why are snake bite piercings dangerous?
Here are some possible complications and side effects to watch for: Infection. Bacteria that gets in while eating, touching your mouth, kissing, or giving oral sex can lead to an infection. If the piercing professional uses unclean equipment, it's possible to contract a bloodborne infection, like tetanus or HIV.
Is it hard to eat with snake eyes piercing?
When you first get your snake eyes piercing, your piercing artist will most likely tell you only to eat soft foods for the first week or so. Due to the newly opened nature of the wound, you are creating in the tongue, where food particles can be trapped and difficult or impossible to get out.

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