What Does a Rib Tattoo Feel Like? A Guide to Rib Tattoo Pain and Preparation

People have described rib tattoos as such: Like someone using sandpaper to scratch over a severe sunburn . Like your bones are shaking and the sensation goes through your whole body. As though it is throbbing, burning, and stinging all at the same time.
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Getting a tattoo on the ribcage can be a unique and sometimes painful experience. In this article, we will explore what it feels like to get a rib tattoo, how to minimize the pain, and other important considerations for those considering this placement.

What Does Getting a Tattoo on the Rib Feel Like?

As most people describe it, getting tattooed on the ribcage feels like a sharp object is being scraped across the skin. The tattoo machine’s needle maneuvers up and down, injecting ink while puncturing the skin. This can result in a more intense sensation compared to other areas of the body.

Additionally, How Do You Make a Rib Tattoo Hurt Less?

To reduce tattoo pain, follow these tips before and during your appointment:

  1. Choose a licensed tattoo artist.
  2. Pick a less sensitive body part.
  3. Get enough sleep.
  4. Avoid pain relievers.
  5. Don’t get a tattoo when you’re sick.
  6. Stay hydrated.
  7. Eat a meal.
  8. Avoid alcohol.

Should I Get My First Tattoo on My Ribs?

If the thought of immense pain scares you, it’s advisable to go for something subtle and less painful, like your hand or arm. However, getting a rib tattoo, even if it’s your first time, is not harmful. Your tattoo artist may advise you to consider another placement, but ultimately, the decision is yours.

What Is the Most Painful Place to Get a Tattoo?

Some of the most painful places to get a tattoo include the inside of the upper arm/elbow, feet/ankles, inside of the wrist, hands/fingers, armpit, outside of the arm, side of the calf, and outer shoulder. These areas tend to have more nerve endings, resulting in increased pain during the tattooing process.

Do Rib Tattoos Hurt If You’re Fat?

The sensation of pain during a tattoo can vary depending on factors like age and weight. Heavier people may have looser skin, which could be more sensitive to tattoos. Conversely, individuals with very low body fat might also feel more pain.

How Long Should a Rib Tattoo Be Sore?

After getting a rib tattoo, it is normal for the area to be sore for about two weeks. During this time, proper aftercare is crucial to promote healing and prevent infection.

Can You Wear a Bra After a Rib Tattoo?

You can wear a bra after 24 hours of getting a rib tattoo, but it’s important to ensure that the bra is not too tight. A tight-fitting bra can rub against your tattoo and potentially remove ink from the skin.

Can I Use Numbing Cream Before a Tattoo?

Numbing creams, whether over-the-counter or prescription, can be applied to the skin prior to getting a tattoo to help alleviate pain. However, not all tattoo anesthetics are equally effective, and it’s best to consult with your tattoo artist for their recommendations.

How Do You Simulate Tattoo Pain?

Practicing deep breathing techniques during the tattooing process can help manage pain. Additionally, consulting with your tattoo artist about the least painful spots to get a tattoo and bringing a friend along for distraction and support can also help make the experience more manageable.


Getting a rib tattoo can be a painful but rewarding experience. By following proper preparation and aftercare techniques, individuals can minimize the pain and ensure a successful tattooing process. Remember to consult with a licensed tattoo artist for personalized advice and recommendations.


How painful is tattoo on ribs?
The rib cage is probably the second most painful place for most people to get tattooed. Pain here can be severe. The skin around your ribs is extremely thin, and there's less fat here than on most other parts of your body.
Read more on www.healthline.com
How bad does a rib tattoo hurt on a scale of 1 to 10?
Many report the ribs to be among the most painful areas to get tattooed (9-10). The sternum and under bust areas share the same high degree of pain (9-10) for this reason. It should be noted that these areas can also be quite uncomfortable to heal, especially for women.
What to expect when getting a rib tattoo?
But one thing is for sure: the pain of tattooing the ribs is different than for example on the arm, where the skin is thicker and the bone is deeper. For me, it felt like someone was drilling directly into my bone. My entire body started vibrating and the pain went deep into my stomach and got all the way to my chest!
Read more on www.mytattoo.com
Does a chest or rib tattoo hurt more?
The ribcage is a more painful place to get a tattoo because—you guessed it—the bones lie just under the surface, and the nerves are close to the skin.
Read more on removery.com

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