What Kind of Jewelry Do You Use for a Vertical Labret?


When it comes to vertical labret piercings, there are various jewelry options to choose from. Each type of jewelry offers a unique look and style. In this article, we will explore the different jewelry options available for vertical labret piercings and provide some insights into related questions and considerations.

Fully Enclosed Ring or Hoop

One popular option for a vertical labret piercing is a fully enclosed ring or hoop. This type of jewelry wraps around the entire pierced area, similar to an earring in your earlobe. It can provide a stylish and eye-catching look.

Curved Barbell

Another option for a vertical labret piercing is a curved barbell. This type of jewelry features a curved bar with decorative ends. It is a versatile choice that allows for customization and personalization.

Labret Piercing and Teeth

One concern that some people may have is whether labret piercings can damage their teeth. The location of the labret makes the jewelry particularly susceptible to chomping, which can break your front teeth. Extra care should be taken, especially during the initial healing period when a larger labret stud may be worn.

Labret Piercing vs. Tragus Piercing

While labret piercings are typically located on the lower lip, they can also be worn as tragus piercings or cartilage piercings. The length of the jewelry may vary depending on the specific piercing, but the labret style can be adapted to different areas of the ear.

Kissing with a Labret Piercing

Many people wonder if it is possible to kiss with a labret piercing. The answer is yes, but some precautions should be taken. During the healing process, it is important to keep the jewelry as still as possible, which may require refraining from french kissing for a while.

The Ashley Piercing

The Ashley piercing is a unique lip piercing that consists of a single puncture through the center of the lower lip, exiting through the back of the lip into the mouth. It typically uses a labret stud with a dainty charm, ball, or gemstone on the lower lip.

Lip Piercings and Lip Appearance

Lip piercings, such as the Dahlia piercing, can have an impact on the appearance of the lips. They can emphasize the corners of the mouth, making full lips look even fuller. However, thin lips may appear longer and thinner with certain lip piercings.

Changing Lip Jewelry

It is generally recommended to wait until a lip piercing is completely healed before changing the jewelry. Rings, in particular, may not be suitable for healing piercings. It is important to consult with a professional piercer for guidance on when it is safe to change jewelry.

Proper Fit and Sinking Jewelry

When wearing hoop-style jewelry for lip piercings, such as a labret, it is crucial to ensure a proper fit. The hoop should be snug enough to wrap around the lip but still allow for movement while eating and talking. If the jewelry starts sinking into the lip, it may be a sign that a longer bar is needed.

Labret Jewelry in Different Piercings

While labret jewelry is primarily designed for lip piercings, it can also be used in other areas, such as the nose or earlobe. Some people find labret-style piercing jewelry more comfortable to wear in their nose because of the flat backing that sits flush against the inside of the nose.

In conclusion, vertical labret piercings offer a range of jewelry options, including fully enclosed rings or hoops and curved barbells. It is important to take care of your teeth and consider the specific requirements of your piercing during the healing process. Whether you choose a labret piercing or explore other areas of the body, such as the tragus or nose, labret-style jewelry can provide a stylish and versatile option.


What Jewellery goes in a vertical labret?
Jewelry options for the vertical labret piercing include: Fully enclosed ring or hoop. This wraps around the entire pierced area, similarly to an earring in your earlobe. Curved barbell.
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What size is vertical labret jewelry?
The gauge size for a vertical labret curved barbell typically ranges from 16g (1.2mm) to 14g (1.6mm). These are the most common gauge sizes used for vertical labret piercings, providing a comfortable fit while still maintaining the necessary stability and durability for the jewelry.
What type of jewelry is best for lip piercing?
Preferred jewelry Like the side labret piercing, you can choose labret studs, captive bead rings, seamless hoops, or circular barbells for this piercing. Many opt for the seamless hoop style because it emulates the look of snake fangs.
Read more on www.neilmedpac.com
What lip shape is best for vertical labret?
Downturned Lips This is the perfect lip shape for sporting a vertical labret or a vertical philtrum. Both piercings mean you'll have jewelry resting in the center of your lips, accentuating your lips' downturned even more.

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