What Piercings Can You Get at 14?


Piercings have become increasingly popular among teenagers, but it’s important to understand the legal requirements and limitations when it comes to getting pierced at a young age. In this article, we will explore the types of piercings that 14-year-olds can get with parental consent and proper identification.

Earlobe Piercings

One of the most common and widely accepted piercings for 14-year-olds is earlobe piercings. These piercings are typically done with a small gauge needle and can accommodate earrings up to 10 gauge in size.

Ear Cartilage Piercings

For those looking for a more adventurous piercing, ear cartilage piercings are an option. These piercings are done on the upper part of the ear and can include helix, conch, rook, and snug piercings. However, it’s important to note that these piercings may require additional care and healing time compared to earlobe piercings.

Navel Piercings

Another popular choice for teenagers is navel piercings. These piercings are done on the belly button and can be a trendy and fashionable option. It’s essential to choose a reputable piercing studio and follow proper aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing.

Facial Piercings

Facial piercings, such as eyebrow, lip, and nose piercings, are also available to 14-year-olds with parental consent. These piercings can be a way to express individuality and style, but it’s crucial to consider the potential impact on future employment and personal preferences.

Oral Piercings

While oral piercings, such as tongue and lip piercings, may be popular among teenagers, they come with a higher risk of complications and require extra care. It’s important to consult with a professional piercer and consider the potential impact on oral health before getting an oral piercing.

Legal Requirements and Restrictions

It’s important to note that the age at which a person can get piercings may vary by state or country. In some places, 14-year-olds may be able to get certain piercings with parental consent and proper identification. However, there may be restrictions on piercings in intimate areas, such as the genitalia or nipples, even with parental permission.

Tattooing and Piercing Laws

In certain states, the laws regarding tattooing and piercing minors may differ. Some states may require written consent from a parent or legal guardian for body piercings, while others may have specific age restrictions for different types of piercings. It’s important to research and understand the laws in your specific area before getting a piercing.


If you’re a 14-year-old interested in getting a piercing, it’s essential to understand the legal requirements and limitations in your area. With parental consent and proper identification, you may be able to get earlobe piercings, ear cartilage piercings, navel piercings, facial piercings, or oral piercings. However, it’s important to consider the potential risks and complications associated with piercings and choose a reputable piercing studio to ensure a safe and successful experience.

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