Where can I buy Saniderm wrap?

Applying Saniderm Yourself

Yes, you can apply Saniderm yourself. First, wash the area with tattoo soap and let it dry. Then apply Saniderm and leave it in place for 5 or so days.

Saniderm’s Effect on Tattoos

Saniderm does not damage or extract ink from tattoos. In fact, customers report that their tattoos retain more vibrant colors after using Saniderm compared to other healing methods.

Removing Saniderm

To remove Saniderm, find an edge of the bandage and pull it back over itself in the direction of hair growth. Avoid pulling upward as it can be painful.

Moisturizing Before Saniderm

Within the first 48 hours of getting a tattoo, you can apply a first bandage with a thin layer of aftercare ointment to prevent adhesion to the tattooed area.

Sweat and Saniderm

Sweating can weaken the adhesive of Saniderm, potentially causing the bandage to come off prematurely. This increases the risk of infection, so it’s important to keep the bandage intact.

Duration of Saniderm Usage

The first piece of Saniderm should be left on for at least 24 hours but no longer than 7 days. Additional pieces can be worn for up to 6 days.

Showering with Saniderm

While taking a bath or swimming is not recommended with Saniderm, showering is acceptable. However, prolonged exposure to water can weaken the adhesion, so avoid soaking.

Healing Time with Saniderm

After removing the final bandage, continue washing and moisturizing the tattoo until it is fully healed. Although it may appear healed on the surface, deeper layers of skin will still be repairing for 2-4 months.

Early Removal of Saniderm

Do not remove the first piece of Saniderm applied by the artist early. Removing it prematurely can cause irritation, redness, bleeding, seeping, and ink collection under the bandage.

By following these guidelines and using Saniderm wrap, you can effectively care for your tattoo and promote proper healing.

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