Why Do Guys Only Get One Nipple Pierced?


Nipple piercings have become increasingly popular among both men and women. However, it is a common observation that many men choose to get only one nipple pierced. This article explores the possible reasons behind this trend and provides insights into the pain, healing process, and care associated with male nipple piercings.

The Balance Factor

One possible reason why guys only get one nipple pierced is for aesthetic balance. Some men have one nipple that is less erect or protruding compared to the other, resembling an innie. Getting that particular nipple pierced can help balance the appearance and provide a symmetrical look.

The Pain Factor

Male nipple piercings are known to be more painful due to the higher number of nerve endings in the nipples. The act of puncturing the nipple itself is quick, lasting only a second or two. However, the pain experienced during that moment is often described as a sharp bite or pinch. The nipples can also remain tender for the first few days after the piercing.

Crusting and Care

After getting a nipple piercing, it is common for crusties to form around the site. These crusties are a normal part of the healing process but should be cleaned carefully and thoroughly to prevent infection. With proper cleaning over a few weeks, the amount of crusting will decrease until it eventually disappears.

Temporary Swelling

When a nipple is initially pierced, it is likely to swell. This swelling is temporary and usually subsides within two to four weeks. Once the swelling goes down, the nipples should return to their normal size and shape.

Other Piercing Options for Men

Apart from nipple piercings, there are several other piercing options that look great on men. These include helix piercings, nose piercings, eyebrow piercings, and nipple piercings. Each of these piercings can enhance one’s personal style and provide an edgy look.

The Side Choice for Ear Piercings

In the past, there were cultural associations with which side a man should pierce his ear. However, in modern times, the choice of wearing an earring on either ear is considered a personal preference and is not limited by sexuality. Therefore, straight men can choose to pierce either ear.

The Worth of Nipple Piercings

If you are contemplating getting a nipple piercing, it is essential to consider whether it is worth it for you. Nipple piercings can be visually appealing and require relatively low maintenance and healing time. They can also be easily hidden when necessary. Ultimately, the decision to get a nipple piercing should align with your personal preferences and style.

Potential Risks and Infections

As with any body piercing, nipple piercings come with the risk of infection if proper precautions are not taken. It is crucial to ensure that the equipment used is sterilized to avoid blood-borne diseases like HIV, hepatitis B or C, or tetanus. Regular cleaning and proper aftercare can minimize the risk of complications.

Healing Time and Playfulness

The healing time for nipple piercings can vary from person to person but typically ranges from 9 to 12 months. During this period, it is essential to avoid playing with or excessively touching the piercings to prevent irritation and prolong the healing process. Following proper aftercare instructions provided by a professional piercer is crucial for a successful healing journey.


In conclusion, the choice of getting one nipple pierced among men may be driven by factors such as aesthetic balance or personal preference. The pain level experienced during male nipple piercings is often higher due to increased sensitivity in the area. Proper aftercare, including cleaning and avoiding excessive touching, is essential for the healing process. Ultimately, the decision to get a nipple piercing should be a personal one, weighing the potential benefits and risks.


Is it common to have one nipple piercing?
You can get a single or a double nipple piercing, depending on whatever your personal preference is! Both styles are very popular for all genders, men and women. If you opt to get a single nipple piercing, you of course can choose whatever side you would like done.
What is the most masculine piercing?
With the right jewellery, eyebrow piercings can be an immensely masculine piercing. In fact, men pierce their eyebrows twice as often as women. Although vertical piercings are the most common, there are a number of types of eyebrow piercings including: Vertical.
What is the history of male nipple piercings?
Getting your nipples pierced might still be considered a bold choice today, but men in ancient Rome used to pierce their nipples as a symbol of courage and masculinity.
Are male nipple piercings more painful?
Dowdell says this is one of the more painful piercings in existence, because men have lots of nerve endings in the nipples and therefore heightened sensitivity. However, the pain ends once the piercing is done—assuming your piercer is a pro.

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