How bad does it hurt to get snake eyes piercing?

Snake Eyes Piercing Pain – How Much Do They Hurt? The thought of having a small bar and two holes put in your tongue may freak you out, but surprisingly this piercing doesn't hurt as much as you might think it would . To many people, it just feels like you've bitten your tongue rather hard when you're chewing something.

Snake eyes piercing is a unique and trendy type of tongue piercing that involves the placement of a small bar and two holes on the tongue. Many people may be apprehensive about the pain associated with this piercing, but surprisingly, it doesn’t hurt as much as one might expect. The level of pain experienced can vary from person to person, with some barely feeling any pain, while others may complain about it for weeks.

How long does a snake eye piercing take to heal?

The healing process for a snake eye piercing typically takes about two months. During this time, it is important to take proper care of the piercing to ensure optimal healing.

Why are snake eye piercings bad?

Snake eye piercings come with certain risks and potential complications. The jewelry used in this piercing sits on the back of the teeth, which can lead to gum erosion, cracking or chipping of the teeth, and migration or rejection of the piercing, resulting in an unsightly scar.

How do you heal a snake eye piercing?

Proper aftercare is essential for the healing of a snake eye piercing. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Rest your tongue by avoiding excessive talking.
  2. Stick to soft foods for the first few days to minimize irritation.
  3. Brush your teeth twice daily with a soft-bristle toothbrush.
  4. Use a diluted mouthwash or sea salt rinse after meals, smoking, or consuming alcohol, and before bed.
  5. Only touch your piercing with clean hands to prevent infections.

What can you not do with snake eyes piercing?

To promote healing and reduce the risk of complications, there are certain things you should avoid with a snake eye piercing. One important rule is to avoid using mouthwash with alcohol, as it can irritate the piercing and cause pain. Additionally, it is advisable to steer clear of spicy or acidic foods that may irritate the piercing and prolong the healing process.

Do snake eye piercings reject?

Snake eyes piercings are considered unsafe by most reputable piercers. The risk of rejection, as well as gum erosion, cracking, or chipping of the teeth, is high with this type of piercing. These concerns, along with potential health risks, often dissuade people from getting snake eyes piercings.

What is an Ashley piercing?

The Ashley piercing is another type of lip piercing that involves a single puncture through the center of the lower lip, exiting through the back of the lip into the mouth. It typically uses a labret stud with a decorative charm, ball, or gemstone on the lower lip.

Does a tongue ring hole ever close?

Unlike ear piercings, which tend to close up slowly over time, tongue piercings can partially close up even after just one night without jewelry. However, the closure of the piercing can vary from person to person. If the piercing doesn’t close within a year and causes issues, surgical closure may be necessary.

Do dentists hate tongue piercings?

While tongue piercings are a popular form of self-expression, most dentists advise against them due to the potential oral health risks they pose. Oral piercings can lead to complications such as gum damage, chipped teeth, and infections.

Can I eat fries with a new tongue piercing?

It is generally recommended to avoid eating spicy or acidic foods during the healing process of a tongue piercing. However, as long as you feel comfortable and aren’t causing yourself pain, you can consume foods like fries. It is important to rinse your mouth with alcohol-free mouthwash afterward to maintain proper hygiene.

Are snake eyes piercings good or bad?

Snake eyes piercings, also known as horizontal tongue piercings, come with potential side effects that are less than desirable. These include gum erosion, chipped teeth, and difficulties in speech. Due to these concerns, many reputable piercing shops refuse to perform this type of piercing.

Can you use a straight bar for snake eyes?

The recommended and safest jewelry option for snake eyes piercing is a stainless steel straight or curved barbell with two balls on both ends. Other types of jewelry, such as rings, should not be used for this piercing as they may not fit properly and can lead to complications.


How bad does a snake tongue piercing hurt?
According to people who have a venom piercing, it's usually described as being well above a 5 on a scale from 1 to 10. They also say it's considerably more painful than a regular tongue piercing, and the second piercing may hurt more than the first. Just how painful it will be for you, however, is hard to say.
How much does a snake piercing hurt?
Snake bites piercings seem intense, but they aren't typically considered as painful as other lip piercings, especially those that go through the actual lip. People who've had it done rate the pain around 3–5 on a pain scale with 10 being the highest. Many find the clamping more uncomfortable than the actual piercing.
What to expect after snake eyes piercing?
Healing and Aftercare The healing process will take longer than a typical oral or tongue piercing. You can expect the swelling to go down in about a month and for full healing to take between 2 and 3 months. Some people will heal faster or slower, so take this with a grain of salt.
Does snake eye tongue piercing mess up your teeth?
Cracking and Chipping It's easy to knock tongue jewelry against your teeth when you are talking, eating or even sleeping. This inadvertent contact between teeth and piercing can cause the tooth enamel to chip away, exposing the sensitive layers of dentin and pulp underneath.

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