Is My Tragus Healing Properly?

While your average lobe piercing will usually take 6 to 8 weeks to heal, cartilage piercings — like a tragus piercing — generally take longer, around 4 months to 1 year. You will know when your tragus is fully healed. You'll experience a lack of pain, warmth, redness or discoloration, swelling, drainage, tenderness .


Tragus piercings are a popular choice for ear piercings, but it is important to ensure that they heal properly to avoid complications. In this article, we will explore the healing process of tragus piercings and provide information on how to determine if your tragus piercing is healing properly.

How Long Does It Take for a Tragus Piercing to Heal?

Although your piercing won’t be completely healed for about eight weeks, most symptoms should subside within a week or two after the piercing is done. If you notice any unusual changes or persistent symptoms, it is essential to speak to your piercer as soon as possible.

Are Tragus Piercings Hard to Heal?

Tragus piercings generally take longer to heal compared to other piercings, typically requiring 2-3 months for full healing. The placement of the tragus makes it more susceptible to difficulties in the healing process.

How to Determine if Your Tragus is Rejecting?

Symptoms of tragus piercing rejection include:

  1. The jewelry becoming visible on the outside of the piercing.
  2. The piercing remaining sore, red, irritated, or dry after the initial healing period.
  3. The jewelry becoming visible under the skin.
  4. The piercing hole appearing to be getting larger.

Surface Tragus Piercing Rejection

Surface tragus piercings have a higher likelihood of rejection compared to regular tragus piercings. Signs of rejection include:

  1. Noticeable movement of the jewelry from its original place.
  2. Thinning of the tissue between the entrance and exit holes.
  3. Increase in the size of the entrance and exit holes.
  4. Changes in the way the jewelry hangs or droops.

Managing Pain and Discomfort

It is normal for tragus piercings to be painful initially. However, the pain should subside within three to five days. If the pain persists or worsens, it is advisable to consult with your piercer or a healthcare professional.

Infection Risks

Tragus piercings, like any other piercing, are prone to infection if not cared for properly. It is crucial to follow proper aftercare instructions, such as cleaning the piercing with antibacterial soap and avoiding touching it with dirty hands.

Changing Your Tragus Piercing

It is recommended to wait until your tragus piercing is fully healed before changing the jewelry. Changing the jewelry too soon can increase the risk of infection. If you are unsure or uncomfortable changing it yourself, a professional piercer can assist you.

Proper Cleaning Techniques

To clean your tragus piercing effectively:

  1. Wash the outside of the piercing with antibacterial soap once daily.
  2. Use saline rinses to clean the piercing while it heals.
  3. Avoid inserting soap deep into your ear canal or pressing soap bubbles under the piercing.

Hot and Cold Compresses

For tragus piercings that pass through cartilage, applying hot and cold compresses can help with healing. A hot salt-water soaked cloth can be applied directly to the piercing site, while a cold compress can be created by wrapping an ice pack with paper towels.

In conclusion, tragus piercings require proper care and attention to ensure they heal properly. By following the recommended aftercare instructions and monitoring any changes or symptoms, you can ensure the healing process of your tragus piercing goes smoothly. Remember to consult with a professional piercer or healthcare provider if you have any concerns or questions.


When should I be concerned about my tragus piercing?
Here's what to watch for: Infection. An infected tragus piercing will be painful. You might also notice redness, heat, and bleeding that won't stop.
Is my tragus infected or healing?
Your piercing might be infected if: the area around it is swollen, painful, hot, very red or dark (depending on your skin colour) there's blood or pus coming out of it – pus can be white, green or yellow. you feel hot or shivery or generally unwell.
Do tragus piercings fully heal?
How long does a tragus piercing take to heal? The short answer: Tragus piercings, and most cartilage piercings, take about three to six months on average to heal, while tragus piercings tend to take at least four months. "There's healed, and then there's fully healed," says Kelly.
What does an infected tragus look like?
Tragus piercing infection presents with some common signs and symptoms: The affected area swells up, feels warm and aches for about 48 hours after a new piercing. The area around the piercing tends to be red in color. Bleeding may occur for a considerable amount of time.

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