Does Walgreens have numbing cream for tattoos?

Lidocaine Blue Gel Tattoo Numbing Topical Anesthetic Cream Gel – 1 oz

Tattoos can be a painful experience, but there are ways to minimize the discomfort. One option is to use a numbing cream specifically designed for tattooing, body piercing, or applying permanent makeup treatments. One such cream is the Lidocaine Blue Gel Tattoo Numbing Topical Anesthetic Cream Gel, which contains 4% lidocaine. This cream can help numb the area, making the tattooing process more bearable.

Do’s and Don’ts After Getting a Tattoo

Once you have your new tattoo, it’s important to take care of it properly. There are certain things you should and shouldn’t do to ensure proper healing and prevent any complications. Don’t expose your tattoo to direct sunlight, as it can cause fading and damage. Avoid heavy exercise for the first 48 hours to allow the tattoo to heal properly. It’s also important not to pick, rub, or scratch at your tattoo, as this can lead to infection. Additionally, avoid shaving over your tattoo to prevent irritation.

The Best Way to Cover a New Tattoo

After getting a tattoo, it’s crucial to protect it from bacteria and irritation. The best way to cover a new tattoo is to have the artist apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment over the tattoo and then cover the area with a bandage or plastic wrap. This covering acts as a barrier, preventing bacteria from entering the skin and protecting the tattoo from rubbing against clothes.

The Best Cream for Tattoo Aftercare

After getting a tattoo, it’s important to keep the area moisturized to aid in the healing process. One of the best creams for tattoo aftercare is Aquaphor Advanced Therapy Healing Ointment. This ointment helps to keep the tattoo moisturized, preventing dryness and promoting healing. It’s important to apply the cream 2-3 times a day, as recommended by tattoo professionals.

The Effectiveness of Lidocaine for Tattoo Pain

If you’re concerned about the pain associated with getting a tattoo, you may be wondering if lidocaine can help. Numerous scientific studies and medical research have confirmed that numbing creams containing lidocaine are the most effective in reducing pain during the tattooing process. Lidocaine works by temporarily numbing the area, allowing for a more comfortable experience.

The Role of Vaseline in Tattoo Aftercare

While Vaseline is a commonly used product for moisturizing and protecting the skin, it is not recommended for tattoo aftercare. Generally, there is no need for Vaseline on a new tattoo. Once the bandages are removed, it’s best to avoid using Vaseline during the healing process. The only use for petroleum jelly on a tattoo is for extremely dry skin around the area.

What to Avoid Putting on a Tattoo

To ensure proper healing and prevent complications, there are certain things you should avoid putting on your tattoo. Don’t scratch or pick at the tattoo, as this can lead to infection. Avoid letting others touch the tattoo to prevent the transfer of bacteria. It’s also important not to peel off dead skin, over-moisturize, use Saran wrap and tattoo ointment, or use scented moisturizers. Ignoring the tattoo and not soaking it are also important things to avoid.

How Often to Moisturize a New Tattoo

Moisturizing is an essential part of tattoo aftercare. It’s recommended to moisturize your new tattoo 2-3 times a day, approximately every 8-12 hours. This helps to keep the tattoo hydrated and aids in the healing process. Using a tattoo-specific moisturizer or a fragrance-free lotion is recommended.

The Importance of Tattoo Maintenance

Tattoos are a lifelong investment, and proper maintenance is key to keeping them looking their best. While tattoos don’t require extensive care, some effort is needed to ensure they stay vibrant and sharp. This includes moisturizing regularly, protecting the tattoo from the sun, and avoiding activities that may cause damage or irritation.

How Long to Keep a New Tattoo Covered

After getting a tattoo, it’s important to keep it covered for a certain period to protect it during the initial healing process. It’s recommended to keep the tattoo wrapped for 2-4 hours after leaving the tattoo shop. If using protective tattoo film instead of plastic foil, it’s best to keep the wrap on for 3-4 days. This helps to prevent bacteria from entering the tattooed area and allows for proper healing.

The Benefits of Coconut Oil for Tattoo Aftercare

Coconut oil is a natural and safe option for tattoo aftercare. It offers various healing and restorative properties to the skin. Coconut oil helps boost collagen levels, protects against bacteria and infection, and keeps the skin moisturized and supple. Applying coconut oil to a new tattoo can aid in the healing process and promote healthy skin.

The Best Soap for Tattoo Cleaning

When it comes to cleaning your tattoo, it’s important to use a gentle and fragrance-free soap. One of the best options for tattoo cleaning is Dove. This soap is known for being mild and moisturizing, making it suitable for sensitive skin. It’s important to gently wash the tattoo with lukewarm water and a small amount of soap, avoiding excessive scrubbing or rubbing. Proper cleaning helps to keep the tattoo clean and free from bacteria.


Can you use over-the-counter numbing cream for tattoo?
Yes, you can apply lidocaine or another skin-numbing agent to your skin before getting a tattoo. For best results, apply the cream to the area 60 minutes before your appointment.
What numbing cream can I use before tattoo?
Emla numbing cream is a trusted brand that can help you through your tattoo appointment. Emla can also be used to numb the skin before laser tattoo removal. As a trusted numbing cream, Emla has been helping to reduce the pain of needle and laser procedures in the UK for more than 20 years.
Can you bring your own numbing cream to a tattoo?
You must always ask your artist first before using a numbing solution. Some artists advise against using numbing creams because it can affect the tattoo process. It is possible that the cream or gel can temporarily alter your skin texture, making the artist's job much harder.

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