How Do I Know If My Tongue Piercing Is Healing Properly?

If there are no complications, complete healing usually takes around 4–6 weeks . If there is still swelling after a month, or if the piercing becomes painful or swollen after a period of seeming fine, this may signal an infection or other problem.

If you have recently gotten a tongue piercing, it is important to know how to ensure that it is healing properly. The healing process usually takes around 4-6 weeks, assuming there are no complications. However, if you notice any swelling after a month or experience sudden pain or swelling after a period of seeming fine, it may be a sign of infection or another problem. In this article, we will explore various aspects of tongue piercing healing and how to take care of your piercing to ensure proper healing.

How Long Will Tongue be Swollen After Piercing?

Swelling is a normal part of the healing process after getting a tongue piercing. It usually lasts for about three to five days but can be reduced by drinking cold liquids. If the swelling persists beyond this timeframe or if it becomes increasingly uncomfortable, it is important to consult with a professional piercer or a healthcare provider.

How Do I Know If My Tongue Piercing Is Infected?

Infections can occur after getting a tongue piercing, and it is crucial to recognize the signs. Some common indicators of an infected tongue piercing include redness or swelling that extends beyond the initial healing period, persistent warmth, severe pain, excessive bleeding, pus or yellow discharge, a bump at the front or back of the piercing, and fever. If you suspect an infection, seek medical attention promptly.

Do Tongue Piercing Craters Go Away?

During the healing process, it is not uncommon for a small crater or indentation to form around the top piercing hole where the ball of the jewelry rests. This is usually normal and does not cause any problems unless more than 30% of the ball rests into the tongue during healing. In most cases, these craters will go away over time as the piercing fully heals.

What Not to Do After Getting Your Tongue Pierced?

To ensure proper healing and reduce the risk of complications, there are certain activities you should avoid after getting your tongue pierced. These include using tongue scrapers, playing with your jewelry, engaging in French kissing or oral sex until the piercing has completely healed, playing contact sports with jewelry in your tongue, and smoking or drinking alcohol during the healing process. Following these guidelines will help promote a smooth healing process.

When Can I Give Oral After Tongue Piercing?

Engaging in oral sex after getting a tongue piercing should be avoided until the piercing has completely healed. Many websites and professionals advise against oral sex for at least 4-6 weeks to reduce the risk of complications and infections. It is essential to prioritize the healing process and follow the recommended timeline.

Can I Brush My Teeth After Tongue Piercing?

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial during the healing process of a tongue piercing. After your tongue has fully healed, it is recommended to remove the jewelry every night and clean it, similar to how you would brush your teeth. You may choose to remove the jewelry before sleeping or engaging in physical activities to prevent any damage or discomfort.

Is It Normal to Have a White Tongue After Piercing?

If you have recently had a tongue piercing, it is not uncommon to notice a white coating on your tongue. This is typically a result of bacterial growth and can be reduced by using antifungal mouthwash, such as Nystatin. However, if you experience any unusual symptoms or concerns, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional for further evaluation.

How Do I Clean the Bottom of My Tongue Ring?

Cleaning the piercing regularly is essential for proper healing and preventing infections. It is recommended to clean the piercing with rubbing alcohol at least once a day. After a few days, you can gently remove the balls, soak them in alcohol for about ten minutes, and rinse them with water. This routine will help keep the piercing clean and minimize the risk of complications.

How Much Does It Hurt to Get Your Tongue Pierced?

The level of pain experienced during a tongue piercing can vary from person to person. Most individuals report relatively low piercing pain, describing it as a pinch. However, it is essential to choose an experienced piercer who can perform the procedure quickly and efficiently. The discomfort may intensify in the days immediately following the piercing, but it should gradually decrease over time.

How Likely Is It to Die from a Tongue Piercing?

While tongue piercings are generally considered safe, there is always a risk of complications, including infections. In rare cases, infections can lead to severe health issues, potentially even fatal ones. It is crucial to prioritize proper aftercare, follow the guidelines provided by your piercer, and seek medical attention if you notice any signs of infection or other concerning symptoms.

By following proper aftercare instructions and paying attention to any changes or symptoms, you can ensure that your tongue piercing heals properly. However, if you have any concerns or doubts, do not hesitate to consult with a professional piercer or a healthcare provider for further guidance.


How do I make sure my tongue piercing heals?
Rinse your tongue or lip piercing after every meal or snack and before bed. ... Not kiss anyone while you heal (avoid contact with someone else's saliva).Not share cups, plates, forks, knives, or spoons.Eat small bites of healthy food.Not eat spicy, salty, or acidic foods and drinks.More items...•
Is my tongue piercing infected or just healing?
Redness or swelling that extends beyond the piercing site may be a sign of infection. Other early signs of infection include: uncomfortable swelling. persistent warmth.
What should a tongue piercing look like after 4 days?
By days three to five, the swelling should start to go down—but that doesn't mean the healing process is finished. During this time, it's especially important to avoid foods that are hard or crunchy, as well as hot drinks that could irritate your still-healing piercing.
How should a tongue piercing look after 2 days?
Infection symptoms normal for tongue piercings include swelling, tenderness, bleeding, and pain. It's normal to see slight swelling over the first week and notice some redness in the first day or two, but anything that seems abnormal on a tongue piercing is probably the sign of something worse.

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